Digital brochures, reports and adverts are a fantastic investment and enable you to share high-impact material online, via e-mail and social media. They can also include hyper-links to other online resources and direct your customers to further information at the click of a button. Plus, unlike printed brochures, additional pages can easily be added and the content  amended without incurring production costs.

annual report

The Understanding Society Annual Report for 2022 was published both digitally and in print, so it was important to create a design that would work effectively in both formats.

college prospectus

Edgy prospectus design, promoting a top-class, contemporary, musical theatre Foundation Course from the award-winning CTC

internal team brochure

82-page digital brochure, carefully designed to capture what MAD-HR are all about and provide a real flavour of their Make A Difference ethos

bcorp impact report

Engaging, interactive digital report, showcasing Kingsfleet’s brand, culture and mission

avanti brochure

Black and white photography is complemented by the bright on-brand bright colour graphics throughout this compact, concise 8-page digital brochure

birketts brochure

Carefully adhering to the client’s brand guidelines, this brochure includes lots of infographics, to get the key messages and statistics across in a visually engaging and easy-to-follow way

sixth form prospectus

Clean, clear design, setting the tone for this friendly, vibrant and aspirational school and conveying the Sixth Form’s vision and the excellent opportunities available to students

school prospectus

Featuring lots of colour and vibrant imagery to project a sense of fun, this prospectus is designed to appeal to prospective pupils (aged 10-11) and their families

digital adverts

A range of digital adverts in a myriad of formats, promoting the exciting shows put on by CTC and their mightily talented cast and crew

academic case study

A series of case studies from Understanding Society, with plenty of hyperlinks to other online sources for further reading

digital annual report

An  eye-catching and innovative report, showcasing UKDS’s achievements, value and impact – from 01 April 2022 to 30 March 2023.