When CTC takes to the stage, performing their modern take on popular shows and musicals, they never fail to raise to roof in our region’s premier theatres. Always a big production with a big cast, they fill the stage with captivating choreography and an exceptional standard of acting and singing; not to mention a talented band that perform live each night. The CTC brings top notch performances to local audiences and it’s been a privilege to work with them on their programmes and advertising since 2014.
The brief / project objectives
For each show I design a range of digital adverts, to publicise the shows on the theatres’ websites and across various digital publications and social media. Having worked with CTC to design the adverts, (adhering to any strict guidelines set by the show licence holders and of course adding a unique CTC twist) I then supply the designs in a wide range of digital formats.
The Junior Company also put on shows each Spring, nurturing the budding talent of new rising stars.
Here are a range of adverts promoting these shows over the last few years…